We thank you in advance for choosing our office for your vision needs. We want to provide you the best service, quality, and value during your visit. Due to the unprecedented times dealing with COVID-19, we have changed a few things in order to provide you with the highest level of service and minimize your risk and exposure to illness. Our office will be taking the following precautions:

1. We are scheduling appointments for all patients for all services. Please call our office to schedule an appointment for a new eye exam, choose new eyewear, order contacts, request repairs, or to pick up your eyewear.

2. In order to reduce occupancy in our office, in compliance with Covid-19 recommendations, we will offer a drive-thru service to accommodate the needs of our patients. 

3. We are scheduling 1 patient at a time for our doctors. No groups or multiple family members will be scheduled on the same day. The maximum allowed to enter our office will be the 1 patient and a guardian, or caregiver. Please arrange for childcare at home for siblings.

4. Please wear a mask to your appointment; this is for the safety of our doctors, staff, and patients. Anyone refusing to wear a mask cannot enter our facility. We will have several hand sanitizing stations through-out the office for your convenience.

5. As another precaution, we will be taking temperatures with a non-contact forehead thermometer of everyone that enters our office. If you have any signs of illness, we ask that you reschedule your appointment.

6. When choosing new eyewear, we ask that you place all frames aside, and give to our staff. All eyewear is sterilized with a UV-light sanitizer after each use.

Once again, we thank you in advance with your understanding during these unprecedented times. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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